You will need rtmpdump.
Open a decent modern browser (eg Chrome or Firefox) and open the developer tools. Monitor HTTP traffic with the tools while you open the program you wish to record. When the program starts you will see several GET and POST requests in the background. Look for a request which features a fragment that looks something like this:
This will form the -y parameter of the rtmpdump command.
Also look for traffic going to a host that looks like The host name part of that address may vary. Match the host name in the -r parameter to this host name.
Now try this (making the adjustments mentioned above):
rtmpdump -r "rtmpe://" \
-y "mp4:videos/1290862567001/1290862567001_2032327037001_WCL016084-14-4.mp4" \
-o myvideo.flv
These instructions may also apply to the RTE player, but I haven't tried it.