I record a daily weight measurement, usually first thing each morning. As one would expect this can vary a lot from day to day for all sorts of reasons. To get a better handle of the trends a smoothing filter can be applied to the data. There are many methods of doing this, eg Moving Averages. The one I've opted to use here is the Leaky Integrator [3] due to its simplicity.
The unsmoothed chart looks like this.
The following is a GnuPlot chart that applies the Leaky Integrator smoothing to the data (assumed to be in file weight.dat, see part 1 on how to extract this from the wwdiary database):
# GnuPlot script to plot smoothed weight from datafile in format # uuuuuuuuuu ww.w # Where uuuuuuuuuu is date in unix epoch time # and ww.w is weight (in kg here, but trivial to change to other units). # One record per line. # # Smoothing is acomplished with the Leaky Integrator # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leaky_integrator # # Joe Desbonnet, jdesbonnet@gmail.com, June 2014. # set xdata time set timefmt "%s" set format x "%m/%Y" set xtics font "Arial, 10" set title "Smoothed Weight Loss Curve using Leaky Integrator λ=0.8" set xlabel "Time" set ylabel "Mass (kg)" set grid set key off set term pngcairo size 800,400 set output "weight.png" # Lambda (0 ≤ λ < 1.0) determines smoothing. Higher values for more smoothing. lambda=0.8 ym1=0 leaky_integrator(x) = (ym1 = ym1==0 ? x : (1-lambda)*x + lambda*ym1) plot 'weight.dat' using 1:(leaky_integrator($2)) with linespoints, \ 'weight.dat' using 1:2 lt 3
After applying the smoothing filter (and plotting the original points in blue for reference):
You can adjust the 'strength' of the smoothing filter by changing the value of lambda. Lambda can vary from 0 to 1. The closer to 1 the higher the smoothing effect.
[1] http://jdesbonnet.blogspot.ie/2014/06/weight-charts-from-wwdiary-part-1.html
[2] https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.canofsleep.wwdiary
[3] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leaky_integrator